Tag: butter

  • Sour Cream Biscuits

    My dad used to make sour cream biscuits almost every weekend for as long as I can remember.  When we were old enough, he let us put on his apron and chef hat (yup, totally) to help cut out biscuits of every conceivable shape; well, of the cookie cutter shapes we had.  I distinctly remember…

  • Butter

    I used to microwave butter before using it in baked goods.  I sometimes still do because I get seriously lazy or want soft butter RIGHT NOW.  You can leave butter out (in a butter dish) for a while and it won’t go bad, contrary to popular belief.  Really, it’s better to just take out sticks…

  • English Muffin Bread

    This is a re-post of an older post.  I made this and devoured it almost immediately (with the help of my husband) so originally, there were no pictures.  Now, there are pictures.  Also, I highly recommend you make this.  Right now.  Go. Ingredients (adapted from One Good Thing by Jillee): 5 1/2 cups warm milk…

  • A Twist on Banana Bread

    I don’t have a picture because I ate this before I had the chance.  To be fair, I didn’t think I would be making a post about this because, c’mon, it’s banana bread.  Everyone makes banana bread.  I really should just document everything before I let my brain run things. I made regular old banana…

  • English Muffin Bread

    This is my very favorite bread ever.  Since trying it for the first time after finding it on One Good Thing by Jillee via Pinterest, my husband and I always try to find reasons to make it.  This is horrible, because I’m pretty sure it clogs my arteries with every bite.  Regardless, we make it all…