Tag: honey

  • Craisin Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, Part Deux

    I’ve made these before, but using a different recipe, one I found on the world wide interwebs.  They turned out a little crunchy (my fault, I cooked them exactly to time, but my oven cooks hot, so I should always check about 2 minutes before the recommended time).  This time, I looked to my trusty…

  • English Muffin Bread

    This is a re-post of an older post.  I made this and devoured it almost immediately (with the help of my husband) so originally, there were no pictures.  Now, there are pictures.  Also, I highly recommend you make this.  Right now.  Go. Ingredients (adapted from One Good Thing by Jillee): 5 1/2 cups warm milk…

  • Hot Chocolate Gets a Sugar-Lift

    Sooooo, I like hot chocolate.  More recently, I’ve started making it from scratch (and by scratch, I mean the recipe on the side of the Hershey’s unsweetened cocoa powder box), instead of buying packets, which are way too sugary for me.  (As a side note, the Starbucks hot chocolate packets are pretty good).   The original…

  • Honey Ginger Chicken

    We don’t eat meat every night for dinner.  When we do, my husband usually throws together chicken or pork dishes that are always different and somewhat unique.  I found this recipe on Better Homes and Gardens via Pinterest and really wanted to try this “cooking” thing myself.  If you’ve read through Foodage, you can tell…

  • English Muffin Bread

    This is my very favorite bread ever.  Since trying it for the first time after finding it on One Good Thing by Jillee via Pinterest, my husband and I always try to find reasons to make it.  This is horrible, because I’m pretty sure it clogs my arteries with every bite.  Regardless, we make it all…