Tysons Corner Center, McLean, Virginia
Tysons Corner Center is full of interesting stores, many that come and go, but the sweets and treats shops are my favorite, because they tend to stave off “mall headache”, an affliction known for affecting those in malls who do not want to be there.
Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream

This hot chocolate was fantastic. It seemed to be made of chopped up Godiva chocolate (as opposed to a pre-made syrup, I’ll need to watch more carefully next time) blended with hot milk. Honestly expecting a syrup style blend, I was very pleasantly surprised by the creaminess and non-chemical chocolate taste.
Often the whipped cream and chocolate layers are distinctly separate, but in this drink I couldn’t tell where the whip ended and the chocolate began. The creamy feel persisted through the very last drop.
What’s Up
If you find yourself wandering the stores of Tysons Corner, and are in need of a warm drink, definitely stop by the Godiva store for a perfectly cromulent hot chocolate!