Happy Mother’s Day: Part 2

And now for the REAL Mother’s Day post!  We had both our moms over and laid out a spread of yummies, including some foodies from previous posts.  For their gifties, I made them each a sugar scrub of different sniffs (eucalyptus and lemon) and wrapped them up all pretty, doomthings style!

Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!!!!  Make sure your mom gets pampered too!!


  • Breakfast pizza (recipe below)
  • English muffin bread
  • Spreads: goat cheese, strawberry preserves, jalapeno jam, and honey
  • Fruit plate:  strawberries, blackberries, cantaloupe
  • Donut holes
  • Moscato with fresh strawberries and blackberries
  • Black tea

Sugar Scrub for Mom

Ingredients (adapted from Martha Stewart):

  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1-3 drops food coloring
  • 10 – 30 drops essential oil

*That’s a lot of essential oil drops.  The recipes I encountered only used 4 – 8, but I wasn’t able to get the smell I wanted with only a few drops.  This is partly because olive oil has it’s own smell which, while definitely not a bad smell, I wanted to mask with the desired smell.  Use only a few drops at a time until you get the desired sniff.


  1. In a glass bowl (because plastic might smell/stain later), mix together the olive oil and sugar until well combined.
  2. Add food coloring one drop at a time, mixing well between drops, to achieve desired color.
  3. Add essential oil, a few drops at a time, mixing well between drops, to achieve desired smell.
  4. Spoon into small airtight jar (about 1-cup-capacity).

*Over time, the oil will puddle in the bottom, so make sure to stir it up occasionally.

Breakfast Pizza


  • Pizza dough
  • 5 large eggs
  • Sausage
  • Bacon
  • Cheddar cheese, grated
  • Cracked pepper
  • Grape tomatoes, sliced


  1. Cook sausage and bacon and chop up into bits (these can be made ahead and refrigerated for at least a couple of days).
  2. Make scrambled eggs the way you like them!
  3. Layer eggs, tomatoes, cheese, and meats on prepared pizza dough.
  4. Bake pizza at 430 degrees F for 15 – 20 minutes (or until dough is just turning golden).


One thought on “Happy Mother’s Day: Part 2

  1. Awe – miss doom! Love your spread and your adorable sugar scrubs! :) I bet the mothers felt very pampered! Nice job! ^-^

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